Optics & opticals coatings


Mirrors Selection Guide

Mirrors designed for the optical laboratory are produced by metal or dielectric coating on the polished glass surface by vacuum deposition.
Optical characteristics of reflectance with a variety of features are provided with the coating.
Please select a mirror with the correct optical properties that matches your specifications.

Performance Comparison of a typical reflectivity from mirror coatings

Performance Comparison of a typical reflectivity from mirror coatings

Features of the Mirrors

Type of Coat Affected products Features How to Use
Metallic coating Aluminum (TFA)
Silver (TFAG)
Metallic coating Truly affordable ! Good reflectance in a wide range of wavelength. Mirrors are available in gold (AU) coating and at any angle of incidence. Light absorption coating, reflection is slightly reduced. It is designed for any simple optical system. Works well with low power lasers. Together with imaging optics that uses white light illumination system. Also highly compatible when used together with infra-red optics. (Gold mirrors)
Broadband dielectric multi-layer Ultra Broadband (TFMS)
Broadband (TFVM)
Broadband dielectric multi-layer High reflectance with low loss. Zero absorption from the coatings with high laser strength. It is resistant to hard scratches. Designed and manufactured for narrow wavelength range. To be used at 45 degrees angle of incidence Designed for the following: Precision optical systems especially for low light and low loss optical systems. Sub-watt class laser systems. Multi-wavelength laser optical systems.
Dielectric multi-layer coating For Laser (TFM)
High Power (TFMHP)
Dielectric multi-layer coating High reflectance with low loss. Zero absorption from the coatings with high laser strength. It is resistant to hard scratches. Designed and manufactured for narrow wavelength range. To be used at 45 degrees angle of incidence For all general and high power laser systems (TFMHP)

Mirrors with a dielectric multi-layer coating can have a variety of features in addition to the characteristics of reflectance.

Super Mirrors (TFSM) Super Mirrors It is a mirror which had low-scattering loss and high reflectivity of 99.999%.
Mirrors for femtosecond
laser Low dispersion mirrors for femtosecond laser (FLM/FLMHP)
Negative dispersion mirrors for femtosecond laser (GFM/GCM)
Mirrors for femtosecond For a femtosecond laser, it uses a mirror with the combined characteristics of a dielectric multi-layer coating, wide range, low dispersion and high strength for high power lasers.
Dielectric Mirrors for high power laser (TFMHP) Dielectric Mirrors for high power laser With our propriety engineering process of the multi-layer coating, it is designed to work well with high-energy laser pulse.