Objective lens [Nikon CFl Plan Fluor 100xH(Oil)]


CU-160-OB01 is a set of objective lens (Nikon, mag.*100, NA1.3) and a adapter for CoreUnit microscope. Objective lens can be installed in the optical axis by assembling the adapter on small aluminum guide.
More Information
Name Objective lens [Nikon CFl Plan Fluor 100xH(Oil)]
Weight 0.2200kgs
  • Assembled with small aluminum guide(OBS-50G, OBS-120G, OBS-200G, OBS-300G) to use CU-160-OB01. Objective lens can be used to assemble with CU-000, CU-021 or CU-100.
  • Specification of the objective lens attached subject to change.
  • Immersion oil and cover glass of 0.17mm thickness is required for oil immersion objective lens. They are not attached with CU-160-OB01.
Manufacturer Nikon
Magnification 100×
Numerical aperture (NA) 1.3
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CU-160-OB01 is a set of objective lens (Nikon, mag.*100, NA1.3) and a adapter for CoreUnit microscope. Objective lens can be installed in the optical axis by assembling the adapter on small aluminum guide.

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